Since my last post in April, some things have changed:
Todd was appointed to a new church.
Ava turned 9.
I attended and presented at UMW Assembly in Columbus, Ohio.
Maddie finished 7th grade, Ava finished 4th, and Harper completed 3 year-old preschool.
Maddie turned 13.
Maddie traveled to Seattle with my parents.
We moved to southern Illinois.
Ava went to camp.
I moved to full-time at Faith in Place doing outreach in southern Illinois.
Harper spent a week by herself in Michigan with my parents.
We got a kitten.
I traveled to Minnesota on behalf of UMW for the Creation Care Summit for the United Methodist Church.
So, nothing big. How was your summer?
I'm at a loss for what to write these days, so I thought I'd crowdsource my next post. Let's do Ask a Pastor's Wife!
Submit your questions in the comments below or by commenting on Facebook or Twitter. I'll answer your questions in a new post next week.
Can't wait to see what you come up with...