Monday, June 17, 2013

I'm an awesome mom on Sunday night

Maybe this happens in your house, too.  Sunday night is strategy night.  Maybe you make up your to do list for the week or go over your grocery list.  You think about the previous week's failures and vow to do better this week.  Perhaps you read a devotional or talk to a friend.  You get your game face on.

Then Monday morning rolls around.  You are ready.  But the kids, well, they behave like kids.  And before lunch is served you are counting the hours until bedtime and daydreaming about some quality time with the couch and DVR.  Sound familiar?

I read two blog posts last week by one of my favorite bloggers, Jen Hatmaker.  She shares some summer survival tips and oh my lands are they good (and funny).  Be prepared to snort and/or chortle.  And here are her 10 things to do with your kids this summer.  The girls and I are working on cooking together, but that's another blog post for another day...

So ladies (and daddies), what are your top tips for surviving summer?  Feel free to brag.  Post your tips in the comments and let's see how many tips we can get!

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