For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:13, 14 NIV)
Harper Jane Krost arrived at 9:02 on November 6, 2013 weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 in. long.
She is perfect. She is calm and snuggly. She looks right at you when you talk to her. She understands the difference between night and day and behaves accordingly. She tolerates her sisters' (and dog's) affections. She does not make a peep when riding in the car. Which is good, because we're in the car a lot.
The girls are doing so well. Maddie transitioned into the role of biggest sister overnight. She gets up for school by herself and helps her younger sister get started on breakfast. She wants to hold Harper and is very quick to help mom change and dress her.
Ava has been feeling some feelings about not knowing how to be a big sister. She's been pushing boundaries and is seeking attention, even negative. Call it "middle child syndrome." But with extra snuggles and consistent discipline she's back on track. She loves helping push the stroller and sitting next to Harper's seat in the car so she can keep an eye on her while mom or dad drives.
I am healing well from my c-section. It's hard to be still and rest when there's so much to do to keep our new family of 5 running smoothly. My mom (aka Nana Judy) came to stay for the last 9 days and allowed me to focus on establishing a good breastfeeding relationship with baby Harper. Next week will be a real test as Todd will be back to school and I'll be on my own with all three girls for 48 hours.
We are so blessed to have three beautiful and healthy daughters. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you also for your calls, cards, and kind words.
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