It's official. We are moving again.
Todd has been appointed to Neoga Grace UMC
and Etna UMC in the Embarras River District.
We will be heading south along I-57 between Mattoon and Effingham.
The girls went through the entire range of human emotion on the car ride down to Neoga for the take in on Friday night. Tears, laughter, nervous excitement. They felt it all. And honestly, so did Todd and I.
We were not surprised about being reappointed this year, as Todd will complete seminary this May and will be commissioned in June. But when the reality sets in that you will be leaving friends, family, and familiarity, it's sometimes a shock to the system.
But of course, we are excited about this new opportunity. God has some special things planned for us, of that we're certain. He is doing a new thing in the ministries of our churches, both old and new.
We don't have an exact moving day set yet, but Todd's first day will be July 1. Please join me in praying for smooth transitions in the coming months for everyone involved at both our new and old appointments. And please pray for my family, as moving can be especially tough on children.
Congratulations to your whole family! I hope your move goes smoothly and the girls enjoy the summer making new friends! ♡