Each of these roles requires a certain percentage of my time and energy, and every week those percentages change it seems. But I'm 100% committed to all of them. And each role is intertwined with the next--it's as if one cannot exist with the other, which makes saying "no" sometimes difficult. But I'm learning.
As I've reflected on my word of the year for 2015--wonder--I've also been looking ahead to 2016. As I sat at the central Illinois fundraising event for Faith in Place two weeks ago, the word came to me: ripples. We watched the following video, which inspired me to wholeheartedly embrace how my actions create a ripple effect throughout my circles of influence: home, church, community, and beyond. This is such a freeing idea for me, that change doesn't rest on my shoulders alone, but it can start with me, and does extend out to those with which I interact.
Are you feeling led to make some ripples? Want to know where to start? Contact me at christina@faithinplace.org. I can help start a conversation with you and your organization or congregation on how we can all take better care of the earth and each other.
I really needed to read this today! Thanks so much - I find it so hard to want to change the world but knowing that a little is sometimes enough.